My name is Daniel Casserly (Dandalf). I was raised and have lived all in the UK. I first started programming at the old age of 18. However, I was mostly doing HTML websites and CSS was an after thought.
I was introduced a few years later to C# on Visual Studio. I worked my way through several tutorials and books and decided that I was good enough to make a career out of it (in hind sight, I wasn't!).
I started free-lancing on several sights, however, I was always looking for ways to get out of the day job. So in 2009 I started Casserly Programming. My first job was a small winforms application for a local business and then I got a few websites done for local businesses.
Whilst I enjoyed the websites, it was not was I was really interested in. A friend of mine (and the one who first started me off on the HTML path) said that the company that he worked for needed a stock management program that would be really simple to use. Thus was born Stock Manager, the first product on the Casserly Programming website.
About the same time as I finished the first version of Stock Manager, another company in the area gave me a temporary contract to write a window cleaning web application in ASP.NET. I enjoyed this and it led to a further role at the company working on various back-end projects and supporting end users.
Since then I have been doing a lot of varied work and at present work almost exclusively for Screed Giant and Tekfloor writing in house software and doing website maintenance. Most of my work is in C# and PHP at present, however, I am looking to incorporate more in the mobile development paths and writing software in different languages as per the needs of the company.
I am also still writing applications for Casserly Programming and available for web design. If you want more information please visit our website.